January 22, 2025

Initial insurance losses from August weather

New claims data released by the Insurance Council of New ZealandTe Kāhui Inihua o Aotearoa (ICNZ) show that mid August’s extreme weather resulted in 3,165 general insurance claims with a provisional value of NZD47.98 million. 

Of this, the Nelson Tasman District accounted for 1,248 private insurer claims with a provisional value of NZD21.64 million and the rest of Aotearoa New Zealand (including Marlborough), 1,917 claims valued at NZD26.35 million.

“This was a devastating event for communities in Nelson and the Marlborough Sounds in particular that will take a long time to recover from,” said ICNZ chief executive, Tim Grafton.

“It has been more difficult for some by the time taken to deal safely and methodically with the event. In a hillside area of Nelson, this is necessitating extensive geotechnical work to ensure the land has stopped moving. This is now being followed up with site specific damage assessments.”


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