January 22, 2025



The Actuary’s Role in Index Insurance

Actuaries can play an active role by helping vulnerable communities access inaccessible insurance that can help increase their climate change resilience and improving living conditions by lowering risk, writes Syed Danish Ali. A recent trend that is present in various markets is that of index insurance. Simply put, index insurance...

Spotlight: Health Benefits in 2022

Faisal Zeineddine observes three trends that will shake up the UAE health-benefits sector in 2022. Given the events of the last two years, it’s no surprise that a spotlight has been shone on the health benefits that organisations now offer their employees. Companies are spending more on insurance premiums and...

Seeking the Big Picture

Big impact versus a short-term win – what do insurers have to do to reap sustainable returns? Vidya Veerapandian explains. The great insurance clearance sale! Is the rush to gain in the short-term sustainable in the long run? The regional insurance industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. This...

The Future of Healthcare Financing

Experts within the realm of healthcare insurance industry discussed working strategies for healthcare delivery to insureds at the Middle East Healthcare Financing Summit held in Abu Dhabi. The healthcare industry debated on the future of healthcare based on winning strategies that made a positive impact to delivery of healthcare during...

Supporting Regional Reinsurance

The General Arab Insurance Federation (GAIF) organised its eighth webinar recently to discuss developments in the Arab markets prior to 2022 reinsurance renewals and the extent of the impact of climate change and recent disasters on pricing. A Premium report. The (re)insurance community gathered once more under the auspices of...

Takaful: Profitability slow, but stable

S&P Global Ratings recently held the 11th Annual Islamic Finance Conference with a focus towards sustainable growth. A Premium report. Profitability related to takaful operators in the region has taken a dip in recent times according to a panel discussion on Islamic finance, held recently by S&P Global Ratings (S&P)....

The Effectiveness of Telemedicine

Joe Hawayek explains why telemedicine is here to stay and meets primary care demands beyond the needs of the pandemic. The idea that mental and physical health are correlated is not new. Shifts in emotions or moods can often manifest due to hormonal changes or vitamin deficiency and pain can...

Post Pandemic: Are we Seeing Higher Costs?

Is rising healthcare cost impacting insurance premiums negatively? Metlife recently outlined a few trends in the healthcare landscape that might affect the insurance sector. A Premium report. At the onset of the pandemic, the insurance industry saw reduced claims due to elective surgeries being postponed and general claims on a...

Analysing Motor Insurance

The recently held third Annual Motor Insurance Conference by the Emirates Insurance Association discussed the role of fair practices and aggressive competition within the motor insurance sector in the UAE. A Premium report. “Motor insurance can be the bread and butter for some insurers and for some others a vital...

Responsible Investing – A Growing Trend

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors are increasingly important to investors in the UAE who not only want to invest their money in a responsible way, but who also want to protect and grow their wealth, observes Chris Corkish. The United Arab Emirates faces some unique challenges when confronting the...

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