January 23, 2025

Risky Business

Risky Business

Magic tools

A homeowner claimed his garage was broken into four times on different occasions and each time his expensive tools were stolen. He claimed that he had replaced the tools every time during weekends and bought new tools at garage sales each time for cash. Therefore he had no receipts. His...

Bumped into a ???drone???

A woman annoyed at a drone flying close to her balcony, took a towel and swatted it. The result, the drone came closer to her face, and injured herself when a blade slapped her cheek. She sued the owner and operator of the drone who had liability insurance providing coverage....

Facebook reveals truth

A man claimed disability leave for two months owing to a shoulder disability that he had sustained at work. However pictures of him vacationing in Spain were posted and seen by his employer during this period. Needless to say, he was fired from his job upon his return.

Change of heart

A man now has a chance to receive a heart transplant, thanks to his research with his insurance company. Having lived with a pacemaker since the age of three, he’s had many open heart surgeries, but to no avail. His insurance company had denied coverage for a transplant, he did...

Inside deal

An ex-insurance industry assessor was caught for staging car accident scams. He was paid for making fraudulent claims by insureds. However, the case came to light after he was videotaped staging several accidents. Around 26 people were arrested on this account and he pleaded guilty to spurious personal injury claims....

???Ghost??? brokers

Four men have been caught for their part in a ‘ghost broker’ insurance scam. The men provided false details and forged documents to get cheaper insurance premiums. The scam was uncovered by a team of specialist detectives. The mastermind of the scam made insurance applications on behalf of his ‘clients’...

Alligator attack!

This is quite a laugh-worthy workers’ compensation claim. A man has been accused of throwing a live alligator into a well-known food chain restaurant. It seems that the suspect tossed the creature in after an employee handed him his drink and turned around. No one was injured, but there will...

Defying death

A man’s mother passed away and within hours notified the insurance company that had insured her for medical coverage. The payment for this premium was done through a standing instruction with her bank. However, in a few days, the premium was deducted from the bank account. Finally, the irate man...

Cat fight

This one relates to a work compensation claim that was received from a flight attendant. A woman brought her feline friend in her purse without a proper carrier about an international flight. The cat, as expected, went berserk on the plane, due to which the crew had to put the...

Injurious pinecone

A man is suing the government after a 16-pound pine cone fell and crushed his skull. The incident took place when the man was sitting in a part under a pine tree when the cone fell, causing irreversible brain injury. Along with the government, the park authorities and the department...

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